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React Image Annotation

Add an annotation layer to an image using the Annotorious React components.

import { Annotorious, ImageAnnotator } from '@annotorious/react';
import '@annotorious/react/annotorious-react.css';
export default function App() {
return (
<img src="example.jpg" />

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Import the Annotorious and ImageAnnotator components.

    import { Annotorious, ImageAnnotator } from '@annotorious/react';
  2. Import Annotorious base CSS styles.

    import '@annotorious/react/annotorious-react.css';
  3. Important: wrap your application with the <Annotatorious> root context tag - other Annotorious components depend on it. You can use Annotorious-provided hooks anywhere below the context tag.

    export default function App() {
    return (
    <MyAnnotatableImage />


You can apply custom styling to annotations via the style prop. The style can be:

const style = (annotation: ImageAnnotation, state: AnnotationState) => ({
fill: state.hovered ? '#ff0000' : '#ffffff',
fillOpacity: 0.25
<ImageAnnotator style={style}>
<img src="example.jpg" />


Using a filter, you can dynamically control the visibility of specific annotations, based on their data or external criteria. The filter is a function that receives the ImageAnnotation as an input, and returns a boolean. true makes the annotation visible, false hides it.

const showImportantFilter = (annotation: Annotation) => {
// Show only if the annotation has an 'important' tag
return annotation.bodies.some(b => b.purpose === 'tagging' && b.value === 'important');
<ImageAnnotator filter={showImportantFilter}>
<img src="example.jpg" />

Selection Behavior

When a user selects an annotation by click or tap, the default behavior is that the shape will become editable. You can change this behavior through the userSelectAction prop. The prop accepts:

A UserSelectAction has one of the three following values.

  • EDIT: makes the annotation editable, allowing the users to modify its shape (default).
  • SELECT: clicking an annotation triggers the relevant selection event, but the annotation will not become editable.
  • NONE: the annotation is inert. Clicking or tapping it has no effect.
import { UserSelectAction } from '@annotorious/react';
// Make all annotations 'read-only'.
<ImageAnnotator userSelectAction={UserSelectAction.SELECT}>
<img src="example.jpg" />
// Function: only allow editing on my own annotation.
const allowEditingMyOwn = (annotation: ImageAnnotation) => {
const isMine = == 'me';
return isMine ? UserSelectAction.EDIT : UserSelectAction.SELECT;
<ImageAnnotator userSelectAction={allowEditingMyOwn}>
<img src="example.jpg" />

W3C Format Adapter

A FormatAdapter adds support for different annotation data formats, by introducing crosswalk functionality between Annotorious’ internal annotation data model and other standards.

You can supply a format adapter through the optional adapter prop. Currently, the only available adapter is for the W3C Web Annotation Data Model.

import { Annotorious, ImageAnnotator, W3CImageFormat } from '@annotorious/react';
<ImageAnnotator adapter={W3CImageFormat('example.jpg')}>
<img src="example.jpg" />

Read more about the Annotorious Data Format, the W3C Format and the differences here.